Sixth webinar – Heating systems in the EPB standards

(Updated: September 16, 2020)

The 6th webinar was organized on Tuesday 8th September 2020 (12h00-13h30) on "Heating systems in the EPB standards".

This webinar was focused on the CEN standards related to heating and domestic hot water systems developed under the EC Mandate M/480.

These new CEN standards are dealing with all available innovative technologies. Efficient technologies are quite sensitive to operating conditions, correct sizing and control options. Such influences are taken into account in these new CEN standards.

The installation of new heating systems and the replacement or renovation of existing heating systems is an important part of the challenge for HVAC professionals to reach nearly zero energy (NZEB) level.


  • 0h00General introduction (the webinar series, this webinar),
    by Camilo PAEZ, Sustainable & Energy Efficient Architecture and Urban Design consultant (BuildUp Editorial Board)
  • 0h03Role and place of the heating and domestic hot water systems in the overall building performance
    by Johann ZIRNGIBL, independent EPB expert
  • 0h33EPB standards on heating and domestic hot water systems: advanced features and tips & tricks ,
    by Laurent SOCAL, independent EPB expert
  • 1h08Q&A, moderated by Camilo PAEZ (BuildUp Editorial Board)
  • 1h30 – Closing

Download pdf  of the presentations


This webinar on BUILD UP website

Series of webinars on the EPB standards

A series of webinars on the EPB standards was jointly organized throughout 2020 and early 2021 by BUILD UP in cooperation with EPB Center’s experts under the scope of Service Contract ENER/C3/2017-437/SI2-785.185 “Support the dissemination and roll-out of the set of Energy Performance of Buildings standards developed under EC Mandate M/480” (duration September 2018 - September 2021).

Overview of the whole series